
Four Type Systems

This blog is about all sort of personality systems based on four categories.
Showing posts with label couples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label couples. Show all posts

Saturday, February 21, 2015

On 10:48 AM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments
Just Your Type: Create the Relationship You've Always Wanted Using the Secrets of Personality TypeAlike in Love: When Opposites Attract (Hearth & Home)Personality Plus for Couples: Understanding Yourself and the One You Love
Just Your Type: Create the Relationship You...
by Paul D. Tieger
Meyers Briggs
Alike in Love: When Opposites Attract (Hear...
by Tim LaHaye
Personality Plus for Couples: Understanding...
by Florence Littauer
four humors in relationships
L. O. V. E.: Putting Your Love Styles to Work for YouL.O.V.E. Workbook for Women: Putting Your Love Styles to Work for YouL.O.V.E. Workbook for Men: Putting Your Love Styles to Work for You
L. O. V. E.: Putting Your Love Styles to Wo...
by Les Parrott
L.O.V.E. Workbook for Women: Putting Your L...
by Les Parrott
L.O.V.E. Workbook for Men: Putting Your Lov...
by Les Parrott
Are You My Type?: Or Why Aren't You More Like Me?Are You My Type, Am I Yours? : Relationships Made Easy Through The EnneagramThe Power of Personality Types in Love and Relationships: Build a Great Relationship with the Right Partner and Stop Wasting Time on the Wrong one
Are You My Type?: Or Why Aren't You More Li...
by Claudine G. Wirths

Are You My Type, Am I Yours? : Relationship...
by Elizabeth Wagele
The Power of Personality Types in Love and ...
by Bill Farr
or download a free PDF of The Introduction and the “Profile,” here:The_Power_of_Personality_Types_-_Intro and profile

Monday, February 9, 2015

On 3:25 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in , ,    No comments

Florence Littauer applies her Personality Plus system to couples.  Sanguine is "Popular", Phlegmatic is "Pleasant", Choleric is "Powerful" and Melancholy is "Perfect."

 For those of us interested in the seasonal color analysis use of Grieek Humors, Sanguine is like Spring or T1, Phlegmatic is like Summer T2, Choleric is like Autumn T3, and Melancholic is like Winter or T4.

Personality Plus for Couples: Understanding Yourself and the One You LoveBy Florence Littauer

"The best-selling author of Personality Plus and Personality Plus for Parents now shows couples how to apply the personality principles that have made Florence so popular. Husbands and wives will understand why they act the way they do and how they can best respond to each other. Personality Plus for Couples gives husbands and wives:* a personality profile test to identify their personality types* the trademark characteristics of each personality type* ways to resolve hot conflicts that arise between spouses* what to expect if you marry someone of the same type, someone of the opposite type, or someone with a compatible personality type Littauer offers pages of stories and practical insight about how to approach each personality differently. When husbands and wives care enough to understand what makes the other tick, they can celebrate each other's individuality and build a marriage that lasts."