
Four Type Systems

This blog is about all sort of personality systems based on four categories.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Greek Humors and the Elements:

The elements are correlated with the humors in many ways, as previously posted.

sanguine is hot (yang) and wet (yin)
phlegmatic is cold and wet (both yin)
choleric is hot and dry (both yang)
melancholic is cold (yin) and dry (yang)

"Blood / Sanguine Humor / Air

     Blood is Hot and Wet, or Warm and Moist.  It is the very essence of vitality and health, nutrition and growth.  Blood is perfect nourishment perfectly digested.  Its receptacle or home is in the arteries and blood vessels.  Blood carries the Vital Force and Innate Heat, which power cellular metabolism.  The essence of blood is exchange and contact, as it is the basic nutritional and metabolic currency of the organism.  Blood has an Attractive virtue, or force, since all cells, organs and tissues have an absolute need for it, and are therefore attracted to it.

Phlegm / Phlegmatic Humor / Water

     The Phlegmatic humor is Cold and Wet.  It includes not just phlegm, but all the other clear fluids of the body:  mucus, saliva, plasma, lymph, and serous and interstitial fluids.  Together, these fluids cool, moisten, nourish, lubricate, protect, and purify the organism.  The Plegmatic humor has an Expulsive virtue, or force, which flushes out impurities, transports vital nutrients, and helps eliminate wastes.  The home of the Phlegmatic humor is in the veins and lymphatics.  The Phlegmatic humor nourishes the body on a deep and fundamental level.

Yellow Bile / Choleric Humor / Fire

     The Choleric humor is Hot and Dry.  It is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder.  Bile has a hot, caustic nature and a Digestive virtue, or force, which gives it a strong affinity with the other digestive secretions of the middle GI tract.  Fire and bile digest and consume, metabolize and transform.  Digestively, bile powers digestion; digests, assimilates and excretes fats and cholesterol; and acts as a natural laxative to stimulate intestinal peristalsis and defecation.  It also colors the stool brown.  Systemically, Choleric residues in the bloodstream thin the blood, enabling it to penetrate through the finest capillaries; empowers the inflammatory response; and opens up the lungs and respiratory passages as a surfactant. 

Black Bile / Melancholic Humor / Earth

     Black Bile is Cold and Dry.  Healthy black bile is a normal sediment of blood, or the Sanguine humor.  Black Bile has a Retentive virtue or force, and a cooling, drying, astringing, precipitating, condensing, coagulating, solidifying effect on metabolism necessary for building the bones, teeth, and all dense, solid structural connective tissues of the body.  Digestively, Black Bile awakens the stomach and appetite, solidifies the stool, and enables the digestive organs to hold on to their contents long enough to process them properly.  Systemically, Melancholic residues in the bloodstream thicken the blood, enabling it to clot; this is vitally important in wound granulation, scar tissue formation, and all structural repair of the body.  Black Bile also governs mineral metabolism and bone formation.

The Psychological Effects of the Humors

     The Four Humors are not just gross, physical substances.  They also pervade the whole organism as subtle vapors, even affecting the mind, thoughts, and emotions.  And so, the Four Humors also have psychological effects, making them capable of affecting both body and mind:
     Blood promotes a feeling of joy, mirth, optimism, enthusiasm, affection and wellbeing.
     Phlegm induces passivity, lethargy, subjectivity, devotion, emotionalism, sensitivity and sentimentality.
     Yellow Bile provokes, excites and emboldens the passions.  Being inflammatory, irritating and caustic, it provokes anger, irritability, boldness, ambition, envy, jealousy and courage.
     Black Bile makes one pensive, melancholy and withdrawn.  It encourages prudence, caution, realism, pragmatism and pessimism.
     The Four Humors tend to have negative effects on the mind and emotions only when they're excessive or aggravated.  Otherwise, they can also strengthen positive aspects of character."

Sunday, October 26, 2014

On 12:00 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in ,    1 comment
In Seasonal Color Analysis, we correlate Spring with Air, Summer with Water, Autumn with Fire and Winter with Earth.   Often in temperaments charts, they are correlated differently.  Here are several ways.

                         Humors              Sanguine      Melancholic      Choleric      Phlegmatic
                                                      Air                Earth                  Fire            Water
                                                    Spring          Autumn             Summer       Winter

Note that this chart correlates the seasons with the humors differently.

same here
    Humors              Sanguine      Melancholic      Choleric      Phlegmatic
                                   Air                Earth                  Fire            Water
                                 Spring          Autumn             Summer       Winter

   Humors              Blood            Black Bile        Yellow Bile     Phlegm
                                   Air                Earth                  Fire            Water
                                Spring          Autumn             Summer       Winter

  Humors              Sanguine      Melancholic      Choleric      Phlegmatic
                                 Air                Earth                  Fire            Water
                              Spring          Autumn             Summer       Winter


Now I'm challenged to find where the correlation we tend to use in Seasonal Color Analysis came from.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

On 3:57 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments
This is a chart related to aspects of the DISC system.

T1 I = ENFJ, less so ENFP, INFJ, INFP
T2 S = ISFP, less so ISFJ, ESFP, ESFJ
T3 D = ENTJ, less so ENTP, INTJ, INTP
T4 C = ISTP, less so ISTJ, ESTP, ESTJ

On 12:33 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments
A friend in a facebook group mentioned a book that is about weight loss by personality type, but it's in French.  I took French all the way through high school and college, because my father was Swiss, so I bought the book as a challenge.

Maigrir sans stress (Lose Weight without Stress)
Alain Golay

Here's the diagram from his book, so I googled the four types and found this:

There are four social types: promoting, facilitating, managing and analyzing.

  • Promoting: -character: stimulating, energetic, enthusiastic, talking bcp, warm, creative, intuitive, assertive, future-oriented, often late, too busy, impulsive, optimistic, dynamic, passionate, active, open, overwhelmed. - basic needs: to be recognized, commended strong-points: openness, goes to the other low-points: reliability, player, not always position to meet its commitments -reactions amid tension: get angry, fight with emotion 
  • Facilitating: -character: friendly, cooperative, sensitive, friendly, confident, cheerful, relaxed, submissive, cautious, often said yes, turned to the past-present-future, listening, attentive, accommodating, has time. -needs fundamental: to be loved, accepted strong-points: accepting, tolerant, accepting environment -point low: authenticity, avoids saying truths that seem to brutal -reaction amid Tension fled obstacle emotionally 
  • Analyzing: -character: patient, cold, speaks little, precise, methodical, accurate, specialized, backward-looking, conscientious, reserved, down, do not take of risk posed, thoughtful analysis. -needs fundamentals: be secure, acquire knowledge strong-points: reliability, is delivering low-points: recessed opening, do not go to the other in a -reaction context of tension: the obstacle leaking "his" logic, after analysis and emotionless 
  • Controlling (Managing): -character: determined, resole, conscious goal, impatient, facing the concrete / the year's profits, interesting results, efficient, busy pressed, direct, demanding, facing the present, shows, shows about. -needs fundamental: to achieve, accomplish a task strong-points : authenticity, and made ​​what he says -point low: acceptance, results, the efficiency above the emotions and feelings of others -reaction amid tension: fight with logic, not emotion (ideal soldier) 
I also found this:

 Promoting: esteem needs  : The need for esteem is the need for consideration of reputation and recognition, fame ... this one is by others or by a group of belonging. Promoting it like to be recognized and welcomed, and appreciated the congratulations and the value of its shares. The promoting will look to shine in public, to be positioned on the challenges that bring it visibility, fame or other gratuity which will highlight the eyes of others.
- Facilitating: the need to belong  : The need to belong is especially necessary to be part of a group and feel accepted by the group. Facilitating the search to be loved, accepted. It focuses on human relationships and understanding between people of his or their groups (clan), with a constant search for consensus
- Analysis: the need for security  : Security requirements are from the aspiration of each of us to be protected physically and morally. The analysis likes to be secure and acquire knowledge that reassures. It will tend to favor proven solutions and dig thoroughly different possible before engaging in one of these options.
- Control: need to accomplish  : The need for self-fulfillment is the need to achieve, to exploit and develop their personal potential in all areas of life. Controlling the search action, perform tasks efficiently and make decisions. This research effectiveness against objectives and challenge he has set, without worrying too much collateral impacts (on his image or human relations).

Now I'm trying to figure out how this relates to the DISC.

  • Could Promoting be Influence? I is T1
  • Could Facilitating be the Steadiness? S is T2
  • Could Analyzing be Compliance/Conscientious? C is T4
  • Could Controlling be Dominance? D is T3

Friday, May 2, 2014

On 9:52 AM by Jane Leu Rekas in , ,    No comments
Four Types Parenting 
Different Children, Different Needs: Understanding the Unique Personality of Your ChildNurture by Nature: Understand Your Child's Personality Type - And Become a Better ParentChildren Are from Heaven: Positive Parenting Skills for Raising Cooperative, Confident, and Compassionate Children
Different Children, Different Needs: Unders...
by Charles F. Boyd
Dr. Rohm's application of the DISC 4 Type model to parenting.
Nurture by Nature: Understand Your Child's ...
by Barbara Barron-Tieger
Parenting by MBTI personality type. Very good book.
Children Are from Heaven: Positive Parentin...
by John Gray
From Venus and Mars author, John Gray, PhD.
Personality Insights for Moms (Personality Insights for ... Series)MotherStyles: Using Personality Type to Discover Your Parenting StrengthsNurture the Nature: Understanding and Supporting Your Child's Unique Core Personality
Personality Insights for Moms (Personality ...
by Susan Crook
MotherStyles: Using Personality Type to Dis...
by Janet Penley
Nurture the Nature: Understanding and Suppo...
by Michael Gurian
Personality Plus for Parents: Understanding What Makes Your Child TickThe Temperaments and the Adult-Child RelationshipThe Temperaments and the Adult-Child Relationship
Personality Plus for Parents: Understanding...
by Florence Littauer
The Temperaments and the Adult-Child Relati... 
by Kristie Burns 
The Temperaments and the Adult-Child Relati...
by Dr. Kristie Karima Burns


Sunday, March 16, 2014

On 1:03 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in    2 comments
There is an archangel correlated with each of the four directions and elements. Raphael is the ArchAngel of the East/Air. Gabriel is the ArchAngel of the West/Water. Michael is the ArchAngel of the South/Fire. And Uriel is the ArchAngel of the North/Earth.

Angels of the Four Directions  
~ taken from Hazel Raven's book,The Angel Bible: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom 

Archangel Raphael:  responsible for the east , the gateway to spirit, illumination, clarity and enlightenment.  It is the direction of new beginnings, of inspiration, illumination and creativity, of the dawn and spring, new births and childhood. Physical representation includes incense sticks, feathers, or chiming bells.

Archangel Michael:  responsible for the south , gateway to the physical, trust and innocence.  It is the direction of vitality, of high noon and hot suns, of summer and the vigorous growth of youth and passion. Physical representation includes candles, essential oil burner, image of the sun.

Archangel Gabriel:  responsible for the west , gateway to emotions, inspiration, intuition and change.  The west is the direction is associated with introspection, of the evening, of autumn and maturity, deepening and ripening. Physical representation includes water, mirror or an image of the moon.

Archangel Uriel:  responsible for the north , gateway to the mind, knowledge, wisdom, philosophy, religion, science.  It is the direction of night, of winter, of wisdom and transformation, of dropping inessentials to reveal the core. Physical representation includes crystals, or religious/spiritual images that inspire you."

Wisdom... Archangel of the West and element of water. Archangel Gabriel will give you guidance on your spiritual growth and direction for your future if you ask him
Peace... Archangel of the North and element of the Earth. Inner peace for your own heart and soul and peace within the family or again planetary can be requested from Archangel Uriel. Ask him to enable you to become a channel for God's peace.
Healing... Archangel of the East and element of Air. Ask Archangel Raphael and his healing angels to help you with physical, emotional and spiritual healing as well as any rifts in relationships which need healing. You can do this on a personal or planetart level.
Protection... Archangel of the South and element of Fire. Ask Archangel Michael to give you physical and emotional protection as well as psychic protection from confrontational situations

Friday, February 14, 2014

On 7:10 AM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments
Earlier Four Type Systems: Fashion

Color: The Essence of YouJane Segerstrom's Look Like Yourself and Love ItStyle Strategy: Winning the Appearance Game
Color: The Essence of You
by Suzanne Caygill

1980 classic, collector's Edition. Behind most of modern color analysis. Used over $400, wow. (Search for her on pinterest).
Jane Segerstrom's Look Like Yourself and Lo...
by Jane Segerstrom

1980, This book was published decades before Carol Tuttle's books ,extremely similar, WORDS,PHRASES,& SENTENCES. $195
Style Strategy: Winning the Appearance Game
by Jane Segerstrom

Out of print, second book by Segerstrom, 1988
Color for Body & Soul: Discover Yourself & Your Temperament Through ColorThe Color Connection: From a Retailer's PerspectiveThe Beginner's Guide to Colour Psychology
Color for Body & Soul: Discover Yoursel...
by Naomi E. Donner

1983 in Finland, published decades before DYT! http://www.usasuomeksi.com/ naomi/Author.html
The Color Connection: From a Retailer's Per...
by Joan S. Callaway
The Beginner's Guide to Colour Psychology
by Angela Wright

1999, UK, Colour Affects System. Wright has a 4 Type System before DYT. http://www.colour-affects.co.uk/ Used from $11.64
Reinventing Your Style: 7 Strategies for Looking Powerful, Dynamic and InspiringColor Your Style: How to Wear Your True ColorsHow Not to Wear Black
Reinventing Your Style: 7 Strategies for Lo...
by Jennifer Butler
2007, Fashion Expert. (Student of Caygill) http://jenniferbutlercolor.com/
Color Your Style: How to Wear Your True Col...
by David Zyla
2011: Zyla's book is essentially subtypes of the four seasons.
How Not to Wear Black
by Jules Standish

~$6 used, 2011: "This is the first self help book that looks seriously into the psychology behind why women wear black. In cer...
Four Types Parenting
Different Children, Different Needs: Understanding the Unique Personality of Your ChildNurture by Nature: Understand Your Child's Personality Type - And Become a Better ParentChildren Are from Heaven: Positive Parenting Skills for Raising Cooperative, Confident, and Compassionate Children
Different Children, Different Needs: Unders...
by Charles F. Boyd
Dr. Rohm's application of the DISC 4 Type model to parenting.
Nurture by Nature: Understand Your Child's ...
by Barbara Barron-Tieger
Parenting by MBTI personality type. Very good book.
Children Are from Heaven: Positive Parentin...
by John Gray
From Venus and Mars author, John Gray, PhD.
Personality Insights for Moms (Personality Insights for ... Series)MotherStyles: Using Personality Type to Discover Your Parenting StrengthsNurture the Nature: Understanding and Supporting Your Child's Unique Core Personality
Personality Insights for Moms (Personality ...
by Susan Crook
MotherStyles: Using Personality Type to Dis...
by Janet Penley
Nurture the Nature: Understanding and Suppo...
by Michael Gurian
Personality Plus for Parents: Understanding What Makes Your Child TickThe Temperaments and the Adult-Child RelationshipThe Temperaments and the Adult-Child Relationship
Personality Plus for Parents: Understanding...
by Florence Littauer
The Temperaments and the Adult-Child Relati... 
by Kristie Burns 
The Temperaments and the Adult-Child Relati...
by Dr. Kristie Karima Burns


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

On 10:18 AM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments
Here are historical religious figures that are archetypes of the four temperaments.

St. Ignatius=Choleric, St Philip Neri=Sanguine,

“Go forth and set the world on fire.” ― St. Ignatius of Loyola (Choleric)

"Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life. Therefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits." St. Philip Neri (Sanguine)


St Thomas Aquinas=Phlegmatic, St John of Cross=Melancholic

"Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher is bound in his way to be a lover of myths and poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in being big with wonder." Thomas Aquinas (Phlegmatic)

“Beloved, all that is harsh and difficult I want for myself, and all that is gentle and sweet for thee”  St. John of the Cross  (Melancholic)