
Four Type Systems

This blog is about all sort of personality systems based on four categories.

Friday, December 1, 2023

On 12:03 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments
  "The Lion, the regal ruler of task organization! These majestic creatures thrive on structure and love creating meticulous plans. The Fox, the master of ideas! These crafty critters are bursting with creativity and always have a trick up their sleeve.The Cheetah, the embodiment of action!...
On 9:37 AM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments

Monday, January 24, 2022

On 1:25 PM by Jane Leu Rekas   No comments
Four Greek Humors 400 BCWilliam Marston DISC 1928Don Lowry True Colors 1978Marc AcettaTaylor Hartman Color Code 1987Smalley & Trent Animal Personality TestBeaver – Gold/Responsible/GuardianFox – Orange/Adventurous/ArtisanDolphin – Blue/Harmonious/IdealistOwl – Green/Curious/RationalIn Please...

Monday, October 25, 2021

On 10:08 AM by Jane Leu Rekas   No comments
 https://marcaccetta.com/personality-test-2/Choleric (Red) Sanguine (Blue) Phlegmatic (Yellow) and Melancholy (Green)https://helloim50ish.com/what-color-is-your-personality/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-factor_models_of_personalityhttp://trishwriter11.blogspot.com/2012/11/personality-types...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

On 1:34 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in ,    2 comments
Quotes from Tim LaHaye Alike in Love: When Opposites Attract (Hear... DRIVING "Sanguines are often dangerous drivers because they are so people-oriented.  If you sit in the front, it is okay  If you sit in the back, he'll be turning around to talk to you -- and that can be hazardous...
On 10:48 AM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments
Just Your Type: Create the Relationship You... by Paul D. Tieger $25.64 Meyers BriggsAlike in Love: When Opposites Attract (Hear... by Tim LaHaye Personality Plus for Couples: Understanding... by Florence Littauer $12.74 four humors in relationships L. O. V. E.: Putting Your Love Styles...
On 6:18 AM by Jane Leu Rekas in    No comments
Winter T4   |  Autumn T3   |  Spring T1   |  Summer T2 DateFounderExtroversion scalesPeople-task orientation scaleIntroverted,  task-orientedExtroverted,  task-orientedExtroverted, relationship-orientedIntroverted, relationship -orientedModerate c. 450 BCClassical  elementsScales...