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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Temperaments Chart

In Seasonal Color Analysis, we correlate Spring with Air, Summer with Water, Autumn with Fire and Winter with Earth.   Often in temperaments charts, they are correlated differently.  Here are several ways.

                         Humors              Sanguine      Melancholic      Choleric      Phlegmatic
                                                      Air                Earth                  Fire            Water
                                                    Spring          Autumn             Summer       Winter

Note that this chart correlates the seasons with the humors differently.

same here
    Humors              Sanguine      Melancholic      Choleric      Phlegmatic
                                   Air                Earth                  Fire            Water
                                 Spring          Autumn             Summer       Winter

   Humors              Blood            Black Bile        Yellow Bile     Phlegm
                                   Air                Earth                  Fire            Water
                                Spring          Autumn             Summer       Winter

  Humors              Sanguine      Melancholic      Choleric      Phlegmatic
                                 Air                Earth                  Fire            Water
                              Spring          Autumn             Summer       Winter


Now I'm challenged to find where the correlation we tend to use in Seasonal Color Analysis came from.

1 comment:

  1. Shortly after our arrival on Moloka'i, I was wondering if we'd made a mistake. Fresh from the lush and flowery ambiance of Honolulu, my wife and I found ourselves staring at parched red earth and desiccated shrubbery. It seemed like the middle of nowhere.
