Friday, December 1, 2023
The Fox, the master of ideas! These crafty critters are bursting with creativity and always have a trick up their sleeve.
The Cheetah, the embodiment of action! These lightning-fast beings are go-getters who leap into action without hesitation.
And the Bear, the ultimate relationship builders! These charismatic personalities have an innate talent for nurturing connections and fostering a unified team atmosphere."
"Hares - Creative Types, but bad at follow-through. Filled with multiple ideas. They hop around from idea to idea, excited more by possibilities than by execution. They generate ideas. Their mind is never still.
Owls - They are wise and measured, and while they may also generate ideas, they are best placed beside the Hare to recognise and catch the ideas as they spring forth. Team leaders should be Owls. They identify and support great ideas, but can also see the big picture and component parts needed for execution. Planners and go-getters. Quick thinkers, slow (if not concise, often boring) talkers.
Turtles - Cautious and conservative types, who point out issues and problems ahead of time. These are the people who troubleshoot harebrained ideas and cautiously suggest that most of them are impractical or too expensive or too risky. They are needed to turn ideas into plans because they can prune the tree of options, see the problems ahead of time, and - sometimes but not always - suggest possible solutions. A Hare would describe a Turtle as negative and pessimistic. A Turtle would describe themselves as realistic, and a Hare as lunatic and unstable. They may be slow to change their mind, but when they do it is because they have measured all the options. If a Turtle supports a Hare’s idea, you know you are on a winner.
Squirrels - Details oriented person who get the job done. They love taking action. Give them a list of tasks and they are the happiest animal in the forest. Getting things done is what drives a Squirrel; get them to think big picture and they tend to disappear. We need detail-oriented Squirrels to keep machines running and make sure the bills get paid. Managers and implementers are often squirrels. God bless them. "
Hare, owl, turtle, or squirrel? Recipes for building and running successful teams (
Four Types Line Up
- Erik Thor
- Kindred Grace Personality Types
- Before DYT
- GREEK Humors
- Four Temperaments
- Body Type & Temperament
- MBTI Widely Used but Controversial
- MBTI Keirsey Temperaments
- Dario Nardi Cognitive Types
- HumanMetrics MBTI test
- Free MBTI test
- What's My Style?
- Lion Otter Beaver Retriever with quiz
- Lion Otter Beaver Retriever
- Color Code
- LEAD Personality Inventory
- Masculine Heart Quiz
- Masculine Heart 4 Types of Men
- Littauer Personality Types
- Tim LaHaye's Humor Test online
- Tim LaHaye's Printable Humors Test
- Elemental Love Styles
- 4 MAT System
- DISC Online
- Tony Robbin's DISC test
- Dr. ROHM on personality & parenting
- CAYGILL Color: The Essence of YOu
- KITCHENER Personal Style Counselors
- SEGERSTROM Look Like Yourself & Love It
- DONNER Color for Body & Soul
- SINCLAIRE IlluminEssence
- RITER Science of Personal Dress
- WRIGHT Colour Psychology
- TUTTLE DYT Dressing Your Truth
- CARROLL Living in Your Element
- Energy Dressing
- Beyond Business as Usual
Other Type Systems
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