Sunday, October 26, 2014
In Seasonal Color Analysis, we correlate Spring with Air, Summer with Water, Autumn with Fire and Winter with Earth. Often in temperaments charts, they are correlated differently. Here are several ways.
Humors Sanguine Melancholic Choleric Phlegmatic
Air Earth Fire Water
Spring Autumn Summer Winter
Note that this chart correlates the seasons with the humors differently.
same here
Humors Sanguine Melancholic Choleric Phlegmatic
Air Earth Fire Water
Spring Autumn Summer Winter
Humors Blood Black Bile Yellow Bile Phlegm
Air Earth Fire Water
Spring Autumn Summer Winter
Humors Sanguine Melancholic Choleric Phlegmatic
Air Earth Fire Water
Spring Autumn Summer Winter
Now I'm challenged to find where the correlation we tend to use in Seasonal Color Analysis came from.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
On 3:57 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in DISC No comments
This is a chart related to aspects of the DISC system.
T1 I = ENFJ, less so ENFP, INFJ, INFP
T2 S = ISFP, less so ISFJ, ESFP, ESFJ
T3 D = ENTJ, less so ENTP, INTJ, INTP
T4 C = ISTP, less so ISTJ, ESTP, ESTJ
On 12:33 PM by Jane Leu Rekas in french No comments
A friend in a facebook group mentioned a book that is about weight loss by personality type, but it's in French. I took French all the way through high school and college, because my father was Swiss, so I bought the book as a challenge.
Here's the diagram from his book, so I googled the four types and found this:
There are four social types: promoting, facilitating, managing and analyzing.
- Promoting: -character: stimulating, energetic, enthusiastic, talking bcp, warm, creative, intuitive, assertive, future-oriented, often late, too busy, impulsive, optimistic, dynamic, passionate, active, open, overwhelmed. - basic needs: to be recognized, commended strong-points: openness, goes to the other low-points: reliability, player, not always position to meet its commitments -reactions amid tension: get angry, fight with emotion
- Facilitating: -character: friendly, cooperative, sensitive, friendly, confident, cheerful, relaxed, submissive, cautious, often said yes, turned to the past-present-future, listening, attentive, accommodating, has time. -needs fundamental: to be loved, accepted strong-points: accepting, tolerant, accepting environment -point low: authenticity, avoids saying truths that seem to brutal -reaction amid Tension fled obstacle emotionally
- Analyzing: -character: patient, cold, speaks little, precise, methodical, accurate, specialized, backward-looking, conscientious, reserved, down, do not take of risk posed, thoughtful analysis. -needs fundamentals: be secure, acquire knowledge strong-points: reliability, is delivering low-points: recessed opening, do not go to the other in a -reaction context of tension: the obstacle leaking "his" logic, after analysis and emotionless
- Controlling (Managing): -character: determined, resole, conscious goal, impatient, facing the concrete / the year's profits, interesting results, efficient, busy pressed, direct, demanding, facing the present, shows, shows about. -needs fundamental: to achieve, accomplish a task strong-points : authenticity, and made what he says -point low: acceptance, results, the efficiency above the emotions and feelings of others -reaction amid tension: fight with logic, not emotion (ideal soldier)
I also found this:
Promoting: esteem needs : The need for esteem is the need for consideration of reputation and recognition, fame ... this one is by others or by a group of belonging. Promoting it like to be recognized and welcomed, and appreciated the congratulations and the value of its shares. The promoting will look to shine in public, to be positioned on the challenges that bring it visibility, fame or other gratuity which will highlight the eyes of others.
Facilitating: the need to belong : The need to belong is especially necessary to be part of a group and feel accepted by the group. Facilitating the search to be loved, accepted. It focuses on human relationships and understanding between people of his or their groups (clan), with a constant search for consensus
Analysis: the need for security : Security requirements are from the aspiration of each of us to be protected physically and morally. The analysis likes to be secure and acquire knowledge that reassures. It will tend to favor proven solutions and dig thoroughly different possible before engaging in one of these options.
Control: need to accomplish : The need for self-fulfillment is the need to achieve, to exploit and develop their personal potential in all areas of life. Controlling the search action, perform tasks efficiently and make decisions. This research effectiveness against objectives and challenge he has set, without worrying too much collateral impacts (on his image or human relations).
Now I'm trying to figure out how this relates to the DISC.
- Could Promoting be Influence? I is T1
- Could Facilitating be the Steadiness? S is T2
- Could Analyzing be Compliance/Conscientious? C is T4
- Could Controlling be Dominance? D is T3
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Four Types Line Up
Type 1: Spring, Sanguine, I*
Type 2: Summer, Phlegmatic, S*
Type 3: Autumn, Choleric, D*
Type 4: Winter, Melancholic, C*
- Erik Thor
- Kindred Grace Personality Types
- Before DYT
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- Four Temperaments
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- MBTI Keirsey Temperaments
- Dario Nardi Cognitive Types
- HumanMetrics MBTI test
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- What's My Style?
- Lion Otter Beaver Retriever with quiz
- Lion Otter Beaver Retriever
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- Masculine Heart Quiz
- Masculine Heart 4 Types of Men
- Littauer Personality Types
- Tim LaHaye's Humor Test online
- Tim LaHaye's Printable Humors Test
- Elemental Love Styles
- 4 MAT System
- DISC Online
- Tony Robbin's DISC test
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- CAYGILL Color: The Essence of YOu
- KITCHENER Personal Style Counselors
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- RITER Science of Personal Dress
- WRIGHT Colour Psychology
- TUTTLE DYT Dressing Your Truth
- CARROLL Living in Your Element
- Energy Dressing
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